TravelBeib First Post

Hi Beib,

My name is Shastri Darsono and welcome to TravelBeib first post at the beginning of my journey as a travel blogger.

For the past 10 years, I was so busy working in the advertising industry also traveling here and there as an Event Organizer. I rarely have time to enjoy and do the things I love. Although I love my job, I started to feel boring with my life. Everything just feels so static. So, I decided to resign from work in 2015. I wanted to enjoy life and make a list to do things that I aspire.

Back in the days when I was an Event Organizer with my team

I love traveling to new places and capture them through my lens. I love spending my afternoon in a coffee shop. I’ve always wanted to be a writer ever since I was a kid, to write and publish my own book and one day I thought, “why not try to blog?”

Before I decided to be a blogger, there were days when I spend the most time in the kitchen, learning to cook. Spending quality times with family and friends. Days doing the art of nothing just by staying in bed a whole day long. Days of island hopping or skiing, catching sunset to every destination I can go. Yet the very challenging part is days when I begin learning on making my own website.

Villa Hopping In Bali

I’ve started learning from Pinterest, take courses and learn from the master. There are just too many that I have to learn from choosing the perfect template, hosting, coding and many more. It can be fun and stress full at the same time. It turns out making a website it’s not as easy as I thought. And also turns out that being a businesswoman is way much easier than being a blogger.

During that learning process, I’ve learned that anybody can be a blogger with his or her own special style and that what makes each blogger special. I’ve also realized that it’s never too late or too old to do something you love.

After 3 years delayed and 1.5 years of studying and learning… Finally, the wait is over.

Today on March 23, 2018… I would love to present my new baby,

In case you are wondering why do I name my website TravelBeib? It is a combination of two words, Travel and Beib.

I love traveling and have been doing it since 5 years old. Based on doing what I love and love what I’m doing, here in TravelBeib I will share lots of stories, tips, itineraries and reviews about my traveling journey.

I am from Jakarta, Indonesia. Beib is an Indonesian slang version of Babe, Dear or Darling. Beib can be for a woman, man or anybody. Everybody deserves to be a Beib. I know it may sound so cheesy, ear catchy or others you name it. I hope when you think of traveling, enjoying life or maybe wanting to be a travel blogger, you will think of TravelBeib.

Last but not least, welcome to TravelBeib. The place where I will be sharing a lot about my traveling journey, a good place to go in my hometown Jakarta, my love for coffee and how I am enjoying life in between. I hope we will inspire one another.

Check out my latest Blog post, youtube videos, and Instagram. Don’t forget to leave a comment or love so I can get to know you.


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