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10 Preparation Plans for a Glorious New Year

The end of the year is a hectic time with various festivals and New Year holidays. Therefore, it's best to make plans for the new year before the new year arrives.

As time flies by, you suddenly realize that some of your plans from last year haven't come true. You don't want to repeat the same thing in the coming year.

Therefore, here are 10 preparation plans for the new year that you can do for a glorious new year.

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Foto by TravelBeib

1. Reflect on what happened in the past year

To have a successful new year, you need to plan your first steps. You can start preparing for the new year by reflecting on the previous year. Ask yourself these questions:

  1. What was my biggest achievement last year?

  2. How did I develop individually?

  3. What was the biggest lesson I learned in the past year?

The answers to these questions will give you a starting point on the areas you need to focus on.

2. Show Gratitude

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Secondly, spend New Year's activities at home to appreciate the people you love and who have supported you.

It doesn't need to be anything fancy. A thank you letter can go a long way.

3. Set Key Goals

The third preparation plan for the new year is to set some goals that you want to achieve in the new year. To make it easier, you can make goals based on the following categories:

  1. Personal Goals

  2. Career & Business

  3. Relationship

  4. Family & Friends

  5. Education & Skills

  6. Finance

  7. Health & Fitness

  8. Hobbies

  9. Rohani

  10. Others

Persiapan Untuk Tahun Baru

Once you're done, you can break it down into more specific goals and steps to achieve them.

4. Create a Vision Board

Persiapan Untuk Tahun Baru

One of the New Year's must-haves is a vision board. Besides being artistic, vision boards also help remind you what you want in your life.

Not sure what to put on your vision board? Some of these ideas can be incorporated into your vision board.

  1. Dream home

  2. Motivational quotes

  3. Dream Career

  4. Hobbies

  5. Dream Lifestyle

  6. Inspiring people

  7. Health & Fitness

5. Schedule Important Events

Fifth, a New Year's Eve idea that you can do is to schedule important activities in the new year. You can write down important holidays, birthdays, and events that will take place in the coming year.

6. Use Agenda

Fifth, achieve new things in the new year by using a planner.

With a planner, you can set, execute, and stick to the plans you've made to achieve your goals.

7. Create a Reading List

Reading is one of the best ways to develop yourself.

If you don't like reading, try setting realistic goals like reading one book a month.

8. Set a new routine in the morning

Morning activities determine how your day will go. Start your day with a good book and your favourite drink.

Set positive affirmations as your morning mantra to attract positive results throughout the day. This is known as the law of attraction.

9. Plan Healthier Meals

Furthermore, plan your meals a week in advance for a healthier lifestyle.

Make healthy eating more fun by trying new recipes and sharing them with your loved ones.

10. Make your hobby a source of income

Finally, try to turn your hobby into a source of income. Surely, there will always be sustenance for talented people. Showcase your goods and services on social media or start an online store so people can buy your products.

There's no need to think too much in preparing for your new year. All it takes is the courage to take the first step, cheers!

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: TravelBeib 2022 Calender

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